Save the Trauma for St. Luke’s

Posted May 12, 2016 by swimcreative

You never know what could happen on any given day, especially when you’re living life fully. You could run into a friend on your morning jog—or a tree. When it’s the latter, you want a trauma team ready 24/7, 365 days a year. That’s where St. Luke’s Regional Trauma Center steps in. They want you to live and enjoy life, but to know they’ve got your back.

So we captured the moment before something potentially bad could happen and highlighted the trauma-maker in bright black or yellow. To relate to both of our active young adults and those who love them, we featured activities that they enjoyed such as mountain biking and rock climbing.

We aligned every marketing piece with the CTA of “Choose St. Luke’s.” Now they have a campaign that captures their commitment to care in a grown-up world.



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