“Go make some logos.”
Not exactly.
At Swim, we start from the ground up to build a cohesive, strategy-heavy brand. Our approach, the architecture of Swim’s logo process, means branding that truly represents your business or organization and furthers your purpose and goals.
It all starts with a branding document. Sounds dry, we know. But, encased in this document is the backbone of your business. To create this essential jumping-off point, we sit down with your main stakeholders and really get to know you. For the most helpful answers, it benefits everyone to hold these sessions in a comfortable, non-workplace environment. Our favorite locations from the past include New Scenic Cafe, a college classroom and a church basement.
Because these locations get people out of workplace mode and allow them to speak freely. The niceties of water, snacks and a circular sitting setup help to create an open dialogue that ebbs and flows with each question. More importantly, comfortable people give unrecited, heartfelt answers. These are the golden nuggets, and they give our team true insight into how you work, what you believe and your brand promise.
After writing down every answer to our 9-12 strategic questions, we head back to the office. There, we grab our thinking caps and whittle your words down to succinct word bites that capture your culture. Before you know it, we have built a whole brand persona document that contains your archetype, attributes and–brand strategy.
Before any execution, you should have a big idea. This document is your business’s big idea. It gets your people and our people all on the same wavelength. Through it, we create a strategy that fits your goals and speaks to your target audience. And through this strategy, we create a cohesive, awesome brand.
It’s once this brand document is approved and loved by you, that we finally say:
“Go makes some logos.”