A few months ago, I attended the Zenith Social Media Conference and was inspired by so many speakers. Lisa Buyer, author of PR Social Secrets, was one of the keynotes that stood out. She spoke about the importance of space.
In this scenario: space = time.
Ever since her keynote, I’ve dedicated time each week to #createspace, both personally and professionally.
I’m a Type A worker bee. One of those who checks the calendar hourly, lives by to-do lists and gets anxious when people don’t respond to emails within a few minutes.
I’m also a social butterfly…online. Hooked on the interwebs, so it’s a challenge to be more than a foot away from my phone. I’m that person who shares photos of food and tweets Seahawks’ football games in real-time.
To say the least, my friends are annoyed.
But so am I.
I realized I need to turn my phone off and embrace time away from the screen. In turn, get more things done, more efficiently.
Key takeaways from Lisa:
- Try yoga/meditation
- Clean your desk
- Say “no” more
- Find a mentor
- Create a personal editorial calendar
A few more ways I #createspace:
- Reading – I set a goal to read 25 books this year. I even started a book club!
- Moving – I walk or bike to as many places as possible. It’s a great way to wake up in the morning and clear the mind after work.
- Patience – I snap a photo and wait until later to share with the world (aka, my 20 friends). There’s no need to live-share everything in our lives.
How do you create space in your personal and professional life?
Want more? Check out Lisa Buyer’s #CreateSpace SlideShare.