Drinking Buddies: Duluth Winter Village

Posted November 22, 2016 by swimcreative

Last week, we grabbed a table at Sir Ben’s and a few craft beers with Gia Bellamy and Jenna Kowaleski. Both are Swim employees, but outside of work, they’re both involved with the Duluth Winter Village. We were interested in learning a bit more about it.

Where did the idea for Duluth Winter Village come from?

“The idea came from Duluth Loves Local, which is a grassroots movement to get people to think local first. Shopping local means that the money you spend here stays here. It’s really important because the local businesses that we’re lucky to have here help shape the identity of our city.” – Gia

I saw the event will have 26 cabins for local businesses. Wow! Is someone making all of them?

“We’re partnering with Knutson Custom Construction to build all of these cabins. In the spirit of the holiday season, they will all be decorated and you can step inside each of them to meet the local businesses and get your shopping done all at one spot.” – Jenna

“In addition to Knutson, there are quite a few sponsors that have made this event possible. Our Heritage Cabin sponsors will each get a plaque on a cabin. It means a lot to us for these sponsors to be involved for the first year, but also for all the years after in this way.” – Gia

What do you hope to achieve with this event?

“Our goal is to make this a new holiday tradition for Duluth The great thing is you can group like events to make a day of outside festivities in Duluth, so stop by Duluth Winter Village or any of the craft markets around the region during the day and then walk through Bentleyville at night!” – Gia

“We see a lot of traffic in the summer, but we really want to make Duluth a destination in the winter, too.” – Jenna

What are you most excited for?

“I love the idea of people getting together outside and supporting local shops around the holidays.” – Jenna

Other happenings we can’t forget to mention:




When is it happening?

The Duluth Winter Village is happening on December 3rd and 4th from 10am-5pm on the grounds of Glensheen Historic Estate. Full the full scoop here »

Are there opportunities to volunteer?

Yes! If you’re interested in volunteering, send an email to volunteer@duluthwintervillage.com or follow this link.

And here’s a link to the Facebook Event in case you’d like to invite all of your friends! 



We hope to see you at the Duluth Winter Village. Cheers!

Beverage credits:



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