Wanna be Drinking Buddies?

Posted June 8, 2016 by swimcreative

Big news, everyone. Swim’s gotten into the podcast game. But why, with thousands upon thousands of podcasts taking up iTunes, did we dive in? Two words: bevs & buds.


If we haven’t made it known: We love us some Duluth. Why it may not get the metropolitan cred of NYC, it’s still packed with interesting people who all have stories to tell. We’re here to tell those stories. With an added bonus. Each month, we’ll pair our interesting person with an interesting beverage. And everyone’s invited to drink along.

So welcome to Drinking Buddies, the podcast where your friends from Swim drink interesting things with interesting people.

In our first episode, we sit down with some Bent Paddle Cold Press Black Ale and our very own Cody Paulson and Taylor Bjork. We discuss their screen printing business, Stack Prints, and their upcoming Prøve Gallery show, MEGA BUY. The grand opening is this Friday, June 10th, with showings on June 17 and 24 from 6-10 p.m. Check it out!







Follow our guests on Instagram:

@taylorbjork | @codypaulson | @stack_prints


Follow Swim on Instagram, Twitter and Stitcher.

Drinking Buddies will be available on iTunes soon.