Have you ever wanted to know more about the Swim team, without the hassle of online creeping? Well, today’s your lucky day. We did the work for you. Get to know our Swim’r of the Month: Pete Sahlberg!
What’s the best part of your job?
The trust that everyone is here because they want to be here. Everyone loves what they do. That makes the best work environment ever. I also love making awesome work that myself and the team can be proud of — and because we respond to emails with funny GIFS.
Favorite words to live by?
My favorite motto is, “Don’t sweat the small stuff.” I used to suffer from a lot of anxiety growing up and into my early 20’s and I’m still affected by it today (but to a lesser extent). Over the years, I’ve learned what’s important to me and where I place my values — it’s definitely an ongoing process. I think reducing stress in your life is one of the most important things you can ever do.
Who’s your dream client?
As I’m still a junior/intermediate web developer, it’s difficult for me to pick one dream client. What I can say is I like working for newer/startup businesses because you can build things from the ground up and be super innovative/creative. I’m very happy working with smaller, local companies where my work can impact the local community and the people around me.
Tell us something most people don’t know about you:
I used to struggle a lot with my weight. In high school, I was a scrawny 160lb and in 2012, I was up to a whopping 265lb. I’m now at a reasonable 200lbs (for being 6’ 2”) and I’m now really into fitness… fitniss whole pizza in my mouth! But seriously, I still love to eat but I love to work out, too.
What’s your go-to web dev playlist?
I have a non-traditional relationship with music. I don’t necessarily follow or idolize specific artists or styles, but I listen to playlists and internet radio stations based on my mood. My website building playlist can range from lo-fi electronica and bossa nova jazz to heavy metal and trap/hip-hop. I enjoy novelty in my music and hearing something new every day. I mostly listen to chill electronic / lo-fi hip-hop music while I program — music similar to artists like Eevee, Swum, Nohidea, Saib, and Mt. Marcy.
Where do you get your inspiration from?
I’m a hardcore Redditor. I get all my news updates, funny pictures and interesting articles from Reddit. I also follow some web and design blogs, many suggested to me by our director of interactive, Ben Luoma. These include Invision, eWebDesign and Designmodo. I also get a lot of inspiration and ideas from awwwards.com, siteinspire.com and Dribbble.
A few more random things about Pete:
- I’ve driven all the way to Eau Claire with my friend Eric solely to eat at HuHot Mongolian Stir-fry.
- My favorite video game of all time is Dr. Robotnik’s Mean Bean Machine for Sega Genesis.
- I’ve never broken a bone (yet?).