For 114.4 million viewers, its largest audience in history, the Super Bowl did not disappoint. Social media numbers rose as well, with a momentous 28.4 million tweets during the big game. Brands and advertisers seized this ever-growing audience and had some fun.
Here are our winners of the 2015 #brandbowl:
Budweiser. Their “Lost Dog” ad garnered aww’s and likes, and in the end, became the most shared video across all media during the game. The puppy love didn’t stop there though, the ad won the top spot on USA Today’s Ad Meter, the second year in a row for the brand. But what truly defined their devotion to the craft of social media was Budweiser’s four social media stations across the nation ready to buy keywords and follow the chatter throughout the game.
Always. With an inspirational video inviting the world to change the meaning of #likeagirl, this brand created waves across the socialsphere. Celebrities such as Julianne Hough and Demi Lovato chimed in with over 400,000 others during the night. Eighty-four percent of those mentions were positive and generated 920 million engagements. Their hashtag has become a rallying call for women everywhere.
McDonalds. The big chain food stop utilized social media the entire evening. For every ad, the brand had a response and a relevant prize. For example, their tweet following a Toyota commercial invited followers to RT for the chance to win a free Camry. People retweeted in droves and seemed to be enjoying the lovin’.
BEST USE OF TROLLING The job search site played a nice little trick with their tweet congratulating the Seattle Seahawks on their win. This sneaky play got them retweeted more than 4,000 times.
Nationwide. While they were the most mentioned brand during the game, that figure doesn’t quite tell the whole story. Their ad, which started out light and whimsical, took a dark turn when it explained that the main character, a little boy, had died due to an accident. Social media started barking, and not in a good way. About 64% of reactions were negative. They are currently doing clean up duty, but with articles still buzzing about the ad, time could be on their side.
Which brand do you think deserved some love?